
Between decorating, cooking, baking, and shopping, the holidays can be a very hectic, stressful time. “Surviving the Holidays – Taking Charge of Your Life” takes a look at our expectations for the holidays (as well as the expectations others put on us), and provides questions that we can ask ourselves to make our best decisions.

Amazon link here.

“Invisible Me” is about our connection with spirit and our spiritual self. Our spiritual self reflects that seed of spirit within us, which allows us to connect with ourselves, with others, and with spirit. In this book author/teacher Brad Tesh and author Bonnie Cehovet share parts of their journey, and what works for them. They both feel that this is a very special time for humankind, a time when we need to re-learn how to connect with that which is greater than ourselves. They discuss techniques that can be used to discover the spiritual self within, such as working with gemstones, dreams, magic, angels, spirits, and more. This is a modern-day primer on getting back to spiritual basics.

Amazon link here.

“Seek Joy…Toss Confetti ” takes readers on a journey into Joy. It is written in a conversational format and explores various aspects of Joy, including how we define Joy, how we can find it in everyday life, the reality of transforming Sorrow into Joy, working with the cycles of the Wheel of Life, how Joy can help us live our strongest life, and the importance of Laughter. Within each chapter the topic of Joy is intuitively discussed and intrinsically examined. At the end of each chapter there are action steps called “Toss the Confetti” that can help you bring joy into your life. The purpose of this book is to look at the idea of Joy in a new and enlightening way. It offers you fresh insights into Joy, and helps you look at ideas you may have never thought about. “Seek Joy…Toss Confetti ” takes you on a journey with two writers who share their knowledge and thoughts about Joy with you. It abounds with innovative and detailed ideas on how to lead a full, exciting and Joyful life. This book is deeply enriched with soulful information on how to improve your life and allow more Joy into your day to day experiences. We hope you will take this journey into Joy with us. So go ahead “Seek Joy….Toss Confetti”, after all that is what confetti is for! Oh, and would you please “Cue that singing teapot” while you’re at it? They love to sing!

Amazon link: here.

(c) 2024 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.